Burnaby’s Experienced Probate Lawyers
Probate refers to the process of having a will validated by the court. In other words, getting probate means having a will declared to be legally valid. At Hawthorne Piggott & Company, our wills and estates lawyers have extensive experience helping clients handle all manner of issues relating to probate and are committed to working towards a straightforward and stress-free solution.
Working Towards Practical Probate Solutions
The duties of an executor are complex and time-consuming. Even in the most simple situations, the administration of a will and estate can take well over a year. In instances where probate is required, matters become increasingly complex and lengthy.
Our team is dedicated to providing the support and guidance that you need throughout every step of the probate process. We value fast, efficient communication and endeavour to answer your questions as quickly and comprehensively as possible. We recognize that handling an estate requiring probate is difficult and use our extensive knowledge on the matter to provide valuable assistance.
When Is Probate Required?
As an executor, you will be notified that probate is required to move forward with estate administration. Examples of situations requiring probate in British Columbia include:
- If an estate contains cash, investments, or any property valued at over $25,000
- If an estate contains real estate (no minimum limit)
- In instances of intestacy (dying without a will in place) or pending litigation
- If a company, institution, or other entity requires it
Working with a probate lawyer helps to minimize potential problems and complications that are often associated with the probate process. We will help you understand what is expected of you and work to ensure that every step is taken in working towards a comprehensive and timely resolution.
Learn More With A Free Consultation
Contact our Burnaby office by calling 778-653-7599 or send us an email to schedule your free initial consultation.